A general website asset: a colorful logo with the company name and a symbol representing its purpose
An image of the C logo featuring a blue sphere, a versatile website asset

free trialFree Trial

What You’ll Get

  • Background removal for 10 images
  • Autobg watermarked images

Free 10 Credits

free trialPay as you go


 $ 0.49
 $ 0.39
 $ 0.32
 $ 0.27
 $ 0.21
 $ 0.18
 $ 0.15

$ one-time payment

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All Paid Plans include

Batch image editing

With multi-processing capacity, AutoBG enables you to edit, enhance, and remove the background of a batch of images in one go to overcome time hassle. It reduces your manpower & instrumental cost.


Fast & easy to use

Our solution is automated. All you just need is to upload images and set your preference, it automatically makes changes to car images and provides professionally retouched images.

cloud based

Cloud-driven access

With cloud computing capabilities, the solution enables you to store and access edited images at your convenience. In short, it simplifies your marketing efforts by ensuring timely & faster access to images.

platform neutral

Platform neutral

AutoBG is a web-based smart image editing solution accessible on all devices, including Windows, and Mac. All you just need to do is to register on our website and start car image editing.

Frequently asked questions

Why should I opt for Pay-as-you-go credits or a subscription?

Ultimately, the best payment model for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you're not sure which model is right for you, talk to your service provider to get more information.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing between pay-as-you-go and subscription:

Your usage: If you have predictable and consistent usage, a subscription may be a good option for you. If your usage is unpredictable or fluctuates, pay-as-you-go may be a better choice.

Your budget: Pay-as-you-go can be more expensive if your usage is high. A subscription may be a more affordable option if your usage is high.

Your flexibility: If your needs fluctuate, pay-as-you-go may be a better option for you. A subscription may be a better choice if you prefer to have a set amount of usage each month.

What are credits?

If you are a subscriber, you will be able to use your credit allowance to process images on our website. One credit is equal to one processed image. If you are not a subscriber, you will need to purchase credits.

Subscriptions provide a credit allowance that you can use within the month, remaining credits gets rolled over into next month , Therefore as long as you are subscribed, remaing credits keeps on carrying forward. Alternatively once you purchase credits via pay as you go method. Those credits become valid for 2 years from the date of purchase.

What types of images are supported?

For best results we suggest you to upload an image which has the car as main subject without any disturbances, such as person, animal, product, or car . the image file should be under 12 Mb's.

Can I cancel/upgrade/downgrade AutoBG subscription?

Yes, you can cancel, upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time.

Note: If you cancel your subscription, unused subscription credits can only be used until the end of the billing period.

What if I am not satisfied with the output?

We are alway keen on serving you with best quality images, but at any point if we fail to do so. User has full rights to report failed images, which will further be retouched by us.

Here are some tips for getting the best results from AutoBG:

  • Make sure your images are high quality and in focus.
  • Avoid using images with complex backgrounds or objects that are close to the vehicle.
  • Crop your images so that the vehicle is the main focus.
  • If you are using a free trial, be sure to upload multiple images to get a better idea of how AutoBG will perform.
  • If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help you get the most out of AutoBG.

What happens if some subscription credits are not used by the end of every month?

At the end of each month, if there are unused subscription credits left, they will be rolled over to the next month for use.

What are the different payment methods you support?

AutoBG supports all major Credit Cards and Debit cards.

How many images I can process in one go?

AugoBG can process 20 images per batch.

Sign up for free and get 10 credits!